
cuando voy al oculista me mandan leer letras absurdas
de forma aburrida y obediente
pero si en vez de eso nos pusieramos de pie en la silla
y comenzaramos a declamarlas a voz en grito, ... seria un poema precioso
seguro que schwitters lo haria
asi que he pensado, ... que pasaria si las letras tuvieran gravedad?,
y pudieran chocar unas con otras sin permanecer estables ....
... que pasaria si pudiera moverlas ....
... y si pudiera aƱadir unas cuantas mas ....
... mientras estan todas bailando...
... y pasa esto,
mucho mas divertido que lo del oftalmologo
.... solo queda vuestra declamacion


When I visit the oculist use to read absurd letters in a boring and obedient way
but ... what if instead we stand up in the chair and we began to declaim them loudly?
... it would be a beautiful poem
as schwitters would do it
So I thought, what would happen if the letters had gravity
and could collide with each other without remaining stable ....
... what would happen if I could move them ...
... and if I could add a few more ...
... while they are all dancing ...
... and this is what happens,
much more fun than the ophthalmologist
.... only waiting your declamation