infeccion / infection


infeccion : .....una intromision!, esto es inadmisible.
En cuanto te descuidas alguien se mete en tu vida sin tu permiso
tambien en tu cuerpo
y de repente todo funciona mal, o al menos no como tu quieres,
pero lo cierto es que cambiamos.
Las palabras cambian por infecciones, por formas de hablar que las transtornan
y muchas veces asi nacen palabras nuevas
la infeccion es tambien mutar, a ver que sale ...
.... como toda la evolucion

Raimond Quenneau solia escribir a maquina
... y cuando pulsaba una tecla incorrecta aparecia una nueva palabra.
Quenneau decidia que esas palabras debian persistir de ahi en adelante,
y asi todo el texto se poblaba de palabras mutadas por errores.
.... como toda la evolucion


infection : intromission!, this is inadmissible.
As soon as you are careless someone gets into your life without your permission
also in your body
and suddenly everything is going wrong, or at least not as you want to do ... but the truth is that we change.
Words change because of infections, by ways of speaking that upset them
and many times new words are born
the infection is also mutating, just to see what it comes out ...
.... as all the evolution
Raimond Quenneau used to type a typewriter
... and when I pressed an incorrect key a new word appeared.
Quenneau decided that those words should persist from then on,
and so the whole text was populated with words mutated by errors.
.... as all the evolution